3 Ways to Feel More Confident in Your Job

So, you just started your new job and feel really proud that you were chosen for the role. You begin working but uneasy feelings start to rise up; thoughts of self-doubt start to creep in, telling yourself that you don't know what you're doing. You begin to repeat those thoughts and now hold yourself back …

Mindset Determines Your Next Job Steps

If you've ever been laid off from a job, or are not where you want to be in your career, your mindset matters as to what your next steps will be and how quickly you take action. Losing a job feels horrible. It attacks your self-esteem, your confidence, and your drive. It becomes harder to …

Don’t Believe Everything You See or Hear

"APRIL SHOWERS BRING MAY FLOWERS" I'm sure you've all heard this saying; we here in Florida did have rain over the weekend and my flowers are starting to bloom again. However, for parts of the country, particularly in the Northeast, their saying goes something like this: "APRIL SHOWERS BRING...SNOW" Yes, those folks (my family included) …

Why Seeing Leads To Believing (Day 30)

Are you aware that your visual sense is your most powerful? I've written before on using the visual field to create goals or actions you want to do. We've often heard the saying "Seeing is believing." However, that is not necessarily true. Just because we see something does not mean we automatically accept it. Otherwise, …

Believing You Can Gets You Everthing

"In order to succeed, we must first believe we can." (Nickos Kazantakis) Our thoughts and beliefs dictate the direction in our lives, which is why so much focus is placed on mindset, overcoming fears, undoing negative thoughts, and a host of other issues related to thoughts, feelings and beliefs. Change a thought you will act …

Being Positive through Unplanned Events

Today started off well - I was excited to lead the coaches meeting I run; I was looking forward to the networking as well as hearing the speaker, whose topic was getting through the holidays conflict-free. Things went well, except for the 'ping' I heard in my car. I made it to the meeting, which …

Do You Need A challenge to Move Yourself Forward?

How often do you ever start a task only to find the momentum fading fast? Perhaps you want to lose weight and begin a form of exercise; or you want to quit a bad habit, like smoking or drinking; or perhaps you want to develop good habits, such as meditation. We've all been in this …