Company Closing – Will You Know What To Do?

With the closing of Toy R Us, along with others who are shutting down low-performing stores to stay afloat (Winn Dixie, Footlocker, Best Buy, Sear, Gap, to name a few), it raises the flag of the number of those who will now join the ranks of the unemployed. While some will be fettered to other …

When You Can’t See the Forest for the Trees

Have you ever wanted to move forward in your life but did not and then, later, the answer to move you to that end-result was in front of you all along? I'll admit that I've been there a time or two, but it brought this to light in some work I've done recently. I was …

When Is It You and When Is It Chance?

I get really irked when I hear someone diminish themselves, attributing something great they've done to chance, someone else, a higher power, etc. They seriously are not aware that they are the reasons for their success. For example, let's say a client named Jane comes in with good news that she got a new position …

Ever Wonder Why You Don’t Get Called Back for a Job Submission?

If you're a job seeker, or plan to be, I'm sure you've experienced this story: You peruse job boards looking for a good 'fit' for your skills and experience; you've updated your resume and polished off your interviewing skills as you wait for the phone to ring so you impress and get hired. But then …

It’s Time to Leap to Your Next Big Thing

Today is a rather momentous day, if you will: it is the last day of the month and Leap Day. I'm seeing all types of posts on Facebook and through other social media formats of what this day can mean in 'leaping' forward; I've seen trying a new food or wearing something you'd never wear, …

The Power of the ‘Thank You’ Note

If you are in job-search mode and have been fortunate to get an interview, one of the most powerful steps you can take is to send the interviewer(s) a hand-written thank you note.  This can actually make of break your chances of getting hired.  In an interview, a recruiter from the Pursell Group stated that …

When in Job-Search Mode, You Need Support

Engaging in a well-defined and diligent job transition will go easier if you have support.  Looking for a new job can be anxiety-producing, to say the least.  Keeping up such a search, day-after-day, can feel exhausting; submitting resumes or having to actually go tell people you are in a job transition can be scary, and …