This is the Only Person Who Can Truly Sabotage You

This is the Only Person Who can Truly Sabotage You What if I told you that there's a person out there who willfully wants to slow you down and even downright sabotage you and your business? What if I told you that this person may get all excited about your plans to start and grow …

12 Ways to Improve Your Mood Fast..

12 Ways to Improve Your Mood Fast… If you’re feeling a bit blue or stressed, you might be surprised to hear that are lots of ways to lift your mood quickly. It’s natural to feel ‘off’ during the day, considering dealing with everyday stressors. But, you don’t have to stay in this state which can …

New Year’s Intentions, NOT Resolutions

New Year’s Intentions, Not Resolutions I hope you had a very happy Christmas with family and friends and that you got everything you wished for.  There is four days left of 2020.   How are you spending it?  Are you off or working? Are you taking it easy or getting  ready for the new year?  Whatever your plans this …

7 Ways to Overcome Self-Defeating Behaviors

I have been seeing a major trend lately that has nothing to do with the pandemic. The problems is self-defeating behavior which is preventing people from going after what they want in life, whether that is their career, their business, or life in general. I have been interacting with many business owners from around the …

6 Tips for Getting a Hold on Self-Doubt

6 Tips for Getting a Hold on Self-Doubt Did you know that a whopping 85 percent of people have low-esteem? This issue affects their personal and professional lives, including their careers, their health, and their salaries. In other words, self-doubt and low self-esteem can keep you from reaching your peak potential. These personality traits appear …

How Inspiration Can Come From Changing Your Scenery

I did something today that I haven't done in months - I decided to clean out my home office and work there (where I am as I write this). Prior, I've been doing work in my living room, in front of the TV. What I've come to realize is that moving into this space, and …