The 5 Qualities Leaders Need to Develop to Increase Their Emotional Intelligence

There are several kinds of intelligence, and it’s our job to figure out what they are and how to integrate them into our lives. Along with your IQ, which has long been used to predict success, the new up and comer is emotional intelligence, or EQ. For leaders, this is a key quality to have …

5 Tips for Getting Out of a Rut

If you feel like life has become predictable, unfulfilling, and boring, maybe it’s time for a fresh start. Deciding to make a change doesn’t mean you have to turn your life upside down, but it is an opportunity to stand back and revise your current way of life.   Whether it’s a lifestyle, location, or …

As a Leader, Do you Know When You Have Unhappy Employees?

I've see it over and over again - someone coming for help to deal with the job they say they hate. It didn't seem to be what they expected, or thought, and they don't know how to deal with this sad fact. Often, these individuals are having mood issues, i.e. feeling sad, anxious, angry, frustrated, …

Good Leaders Have Good, Daily Habits

When we think of good leaders, there are several that come to mind: Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Sir Richard Branson, and John Maxwell. What makes them so 'good'? In addition to creating profitable and well-known companies, they all have strict daily habits that they live(d) by. Leading is a big responsibility and the world lays …

Leadership Style – Which is Right For You?

I mentioned yesterday that a good portion of individuals who either are in leadership roles, or who want to be, don't pay attention to the type of leadership style they want to portray. I'm not sure many know that there are leadership models to adopt and follow, that lead to leadership effectiveness, which include: Trait …

Activating the Brain’s Reward Center

It's Friday - TGIF! You've made it through the work-week and can now look forward to days off and having fun, perhaps going to a movie or, like me, out dancing; or, perhaps, it's just veg'ing out and doing nothing. What you've essentially done is reward yourself for making it through the week. Rewards are …