How Many Hat Are You Wearing?

How Many Hats Are You Wearing? It’s inevitable. As a small business owner, you will wear many, many hats. Marketing manager. Bookkeeper. Content developer. Coach. Technical support staff. But while this type of task juggling is to be expected, you have to be aware that not all of your hats are created equal. Marketing outweighs …

The Motivating Morning Routine

The Motivating Morning Routine How would it feel to start your day motivated and organized? It would be great wouldn’t it. You’d know what you were doing, that everything was sorted and you’d feel brilliant.  And, you would get so much done. Wouldn’t that be a great feeling? Surprisingly, it wouldn’t take much to get …

Excessive Sitting Can Be Killing Your Performance

Excessive Sitting Can Shrink the Part of Your Brain Tied to Memory and Performance Do you find yourself sitting for long periods of time? If you work in an office environment or call center, you most likely are sitting to do your work, which may be hours on-end. Even working from home can lead to …

Creating Checks and Balances to Ensure Task Completion

Routine tasks are a way of work-life, which are following systems and processes by the books. For some industries, this is a way of life, such as in banking or automotive, there are certain tasks that follow and adhere to strict guidelines which, if not followed, could be catastrophic for their consumers. But, as humanness …

Procrastination is Illogical

If I had a dime for every person I've run across who complain of unfulfilled goals and activities due to procrastination,  I would be sitting on a tropical beach right now. Procrastination deters us from having a happier career or a fulfilled life. Why does procrastination occur? Is it the same as laziness? To me, …

Creating Daily Rituals to Increase Productivity and Attitude

Last week, I completed two challenges: one was to get more clients and the other was for Instagram; what I found was that both helped me to be more laser-focused in my message and brand, and then how to convey this more effectively.  But I learned something more to pass on. These were not the …