Be a Strategic Partner with Your Boss

One of the newest trends for Human Resource (HR) departments is to be a strategic business partner and not staying in their silo. I was recently at an HR-related association meeting and I was amazed at how many organizations are realigning their departments to fit this need. It got me thinking that employees need to …

Loving the Work You Do

It's Day you2 of Love Week and the focus today is on the work you do. I can just hear the scoffing and the 'it'll never happen' comments. Work is, It's the activities you do to earn money; but money should be be the only factor. Work is what we do on a daily …

The Highest Rated Skill Organizations Want You to Have Today

If you've been following the news (or my blog), you've no undoubtedly been seeing that leaders want workers who possess specific job skills, and that is what hiring isĀ  all about these days. But, I think the important skills get overlooked, particularly the soft - or people- skills; you can possess great technical skills but …

Dealing with ‘Deadwoods’ in the Workplace

Louis shows up to work every day, but puts in minimal effort; he gets work in but not always on time, and his interactions with coworkers is subpar, at best. Mistakes? common for Louis. So why is Louis still employed? Louis has become what is known as a 'deadwood,' which refers to those who are …

Do Numbers Really Reflect Employee Engagement?

I'm sure you've heard the term 'employee engagement' to reflect what an organization wants in their workers. Engagement has several meaning, but basically it's an emotional connection one has with their work. It doesn't necessarily mean job satisfaction or 'fit.' It's an individual feeling that results from getting one's needs met on the job. This …

Ending Employee Coaching Sessions To Get Better Results

In today's workplace, getting results is the end-goal of any organization; this begins with high performance from workers within. While setting goals and accountability are two ways to get higher performance, companies that coach their employees gain this performance at a faster rate; in fact, 86% of companies reported the benefits of using coaching and …

Leaders who Develop Themselves Succeed More

Years ago, I got called in to coach a newly promoted leader; this client had been with their company for fifteen years and finally moved up the ranks. However, the company soon realized that their new manager was not quite ready for his role, thus my being called in. This story represents a large part …